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KDD 2011 Research Track: Author Instructions
Below are instructions on how to submit papers to KDD 2011, as well as pointers to information about the reviewing process and decision process.
Paper Submission Deadlines
Papers must be electronically submitted to the CMT Web site by 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time on Friday February 18th 2011.

In addition, to be eligible to submit a paper, authors must submit a title and abstract (again electronically, to the CMT Web site) by 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time on Friday February 11th 2011. The maximum length for an abstract is 2000 characters.

In order to be fair to all authors, there will be no extensions to either of the 2 submission deadlines above. Abstracts and papers not submitted by the deadlines above will not be reviewed.

Note that the CMT site allows you to upload updated versions of your paper up until the deadline - so you may want to upload an early version of the paper which you can later (if you wish to) overwrite with a newer version of the paper up until the deadline.

Evaluation and Decision Criteria
Papers will be reviewed by members of the KDD 2011 program committee and decisions will be emailed to all authors no later than 11:59pm PST Friday April 29thth 2011. Note that this year there will not be an author response phase between submission and decisions.

For a detailed discussion of the reviewing criteria please refer to Reviewing Criteria. The general criteria for evaluation of submitted papers for KDD 2011 is summarized in the call for papers, and repeated for convenience below:

We invite submission of papers describing innovative research on all aspects of knowledge discovery and data mining. Examples of topic of interest include (but are not limited to): classification and regression methods, semi-supervised learning, clustering, feature selection, social networks, mining of graph data, temporal and spatial data analysis, scalability, privacy, visualization, text analysis, Web mining, recommender systems, and so on. Papers emphasizing theoretical foundations are particularly encouraged, as are novel modeling and algorithmic approaches to specific data mining problems in scientific, business, medical, and engineering applications. We welcome submissions by authors who are new to the KDD conference, as well as visionary papers on new and emerging topics. Authors are explicitly discouraged from submitting papers that contain only minor incremental results and that do not provide significant advances over existing approaches.

Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. For papers that rely heavily on empirical evaluations, the experimental methods and results should be clear, well executed, and repeatable. Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code publicly available when possible.

Policy Regarding Dual Submission
Submitted papers must describe work that is substantively different from work that has already been published or is currently under review for another conference. In particular, papers submitted to KDD 2011 should be substantively different to any papers submitted to another conference where the review and decision period of the other conference overlaps with that of KDD 2011.

It is allowed to submit papers to KDD 2011 that are shorter versions of more extensive journal submissions, where the journal paper is also under review during the period of the KDD 2011 review and decision period.

Formatting Requirements for Submitted and Accepted Papers
All submissions must be in PDF format and must not exceed 10MB in size.

Papers should be no more 9 pages total in length where up to 8 pages (including appendices, if any) are used for the content of the paper and the final page is used only for references. The format is the standard double-column ACM Proceedings Style. Additional information about formatting and style files are available online at:

Papers that do not meet the formatting requirements will be rejected.

For accepted papers, authors will have the opportunity to revise their papers in response to the reviewers before final submission for publication in the proceedings.

Indicating the Subject Areas for Your Paper
When you submit your paper to CMT you will be asked to select which terms from a pre-defined list of subject could best be used to describe the content of your paper. The purpose of this is to help us in assigning reviewers to your paper. Reviewers will also indicate their expertise using the same set of subject area terms. The subject areas we are using this year differ from previous years, so please carefully look over the options. You will be allowed to select a single primary subject area, and up to 10 secondary areas. A full list of subject area terms is provided on the Subject Areas Web page.

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