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KDD 2011 Industry and Government Track: Author Instructions
Authors of papers submitted to the Industrial/Government track must (1) clearly identify in which of the three areas (i.e., deployed, discovery, or emerging) the paper should be evaluated and (2) address all the required elements for a paper in that area, as described in the following three paragraphs.

Deployed: Deployed KDD case studies describe deployed projects with measurable benefits that include KDD technology. These papers must clearly describe the industry or Government problem that is solved, the overall architecture of the deployed system, the data sources used, the reasons for the choices of particular KDD technologies, how KDD technologies solved the problem, the particular KDD process embodied by the deployed application, the use and payoff of the application, the costs to develop the application, the maintenance plan, and the number and types of users.

Discovery: Papers that describe discoveries of knowledge must clearly state what data sources and background knowledge were used, what data mining algorithms were tried, what overall KDD process was used, what the new discovered knowledge is, how the new knowledge was validated, and what the value to the industry or government is of such newly discovered knowledge. Note that this category is intended for significant discoveries of domain knowledge that were enabled by KDD technologies and processes, and not for reporting of KDD research results.

Emerging: Emerging application and technology papers discuss prototype applications, tools for focused domains or tasks, useful techniques or methods, useful system architectures, scalability enablers, tool evaluations, or integration of KDD with other technologies. Such papers must clearly explain the requirements arising from the particular industry or government setting for which the application is being developed and from the particular databases on which the application is based. These papers must also identify how the emerging solution is using KDD technologies to address these requirements, the deployment plan, and the evaluation methodology and metrics for the emerging application. Pragmatic issues and considerations include important practical and research considerations, approaches, and architectures that enable successful applications. This category may include comparative evaluations of different KDD technologies for particular application problems. Preferences will be given to papers whose insights may generalize to other domains or problems. Product advertisements will not be accepted.

Paper Preparation and Submission Guidelines
  1. To submit your paper to either the Industrial/Government track, please log into the Submission Server.
  2. Abstracts are due Friday February 11th 2011 at 11:59 PM Pacific time.
  3. Papers are due Friday February 18th 2011 at 11:59 PM Pacific time.
  4. All papers should adhere to the ACM proceedings template. Papers are allowed at most nine (9) full pages, including all figures, tables, references and appendix (if any).
  5. The papers will *not* be reviewed double-blind. Please include your name and affiliation in the submission, as well as full references to your relevant prior work.
  6. Authors must clearly identify in which of the three areas (i.e., Deployed, Discovery, or Emerging) their paper should be evaluated as there are distinct evaluation criteria for each area. Papers must address all the topics listed for the appropriate area in the descriptive paragraphs in these instructions.
  7. Submissions that deviate from these guidelines may be rejected without consideration. Out of fairness to other authors, we are not able to grant extensions or accept late submissions.
Important Dates
  • Abstract due on: Feb 11, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time
  • Paper due on: Feb 18, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time
  • Acceptance notification: April 29, 2011
Please submit all papers to the Submission Server. For further information please contact the Industrial Track Chairs at industrial@kdd2011.com.

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